Mohsen Toorani graduated


Mohsen Toorani successfully completed his PhD thesis defense at the University of Bergen on Monday, the 14th of December 2015 and will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

The title of his thesis is “Security protocols and related topics ”.


The following committee has been appointed to evaluate his thesis and defense:

  • Pedro Peris-Lopez, Carlos III University of Madrid
  • Stig Frode Mjølsnes, NTNU
  • Håvard Raddum, Simula Research Laboratory

Mohsen Toorani successfully completed his trial lecture on Monday, the 16th of November 2015 and the given topic for his trial lecture was “Interactive Information Theory”.

Mohsen Toorani carried out his PhD work at the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen. His main supervisors were Professor Øyvind Ytrehus  and Professor Tor Helleseth, University of Bergen..


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