Martin Aastrup Olsen successfully completed his PhD trial lecture and thesis defense at the Gjøvik University Collage on Thursday, the 17th of December 2015 and will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The title of his thesis is “Fingerprint Image Quality ”.
It focuses on increasing ease of use, speed and reliability of systems for recognition of fingerprints on mobile, electronic ID cards and passports.
Biometric systems and specifically fingerprint recognition has been widely used in recent years, both in mobile and through increased use of electronic border controls and national IDs. It is critically important that the quality of the biometric information registered in the system are of the highest possible quality. With high quality minimizing one risk of getting fake discrepancies when comparing findings with data recorded. Among other things, the level of humidity in the fingerprint influence the final biometric performance, this is something Olsen has studied more closely.
In his thesis, Olsen rated quality assessment algorithms against known current algorithms, and has also conducted a survey of how skin moisture affects biometric performance. The research has resulted in a better understanding of the influence of environmental factors on biometric recognition, as well as a new dataset which supports research on the detection and reconstruction of the fingerprint images of low quality.
The following committee has been appointed to evaluate his thesis, trial lecture and defense:
- First Opponent: Prof. Dr. Javier Ortega-Garcia, Biometric Recognition Group, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain.
- Other Opponent: Prof. Dr. Rasmus Larsen, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Informatics.
- Internal opponent: Prof. Dr. Laura Georg, Norwegian Information Security Laboratory (NISlab), IMT, GUC.
- Chairman of the Committee: Prof. Dr. Stephen Wolthusen, NISlab, IMT, GUC.
- Dean Nils Kalstad Svendsen led disputation.
Martin Aastrup Olsen carried out his PhD work at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology , Gjøvik University College. His supervisor has been Professor Christoph Busch, while co-supervisor was professor Patrick Bours, both from Gjøvik University College.