In light of a worrying increase in serious Information Security breaches in Norway and internationally, the Research Council established a national research school in information security. The Research School “COINS Research School of Computer and Information Security” is led by NTNU in Gjøvik. Participants in the research school include NTNU, University of Agder, University of Bergen, University of Oslo, University of Stavanger, and University of Tromsø.
COINS integrates Norwegian research groups in information security to a larger entity, e.g. by integrating the course portfolio for research school members, builds stronger relationships between doctoral students in the network, establishes more incentives to excel and increases student mobility through access to a larger network. COINS also increases Norway’s international student mobility, hosts internationally recognized researchers, and offers “free flow of goods and services” in information security research in Norway.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is responsible for all the research training issues and for resource management. It consists of the scientific director, one representative from each of the consortium members plus two representatives from the Ph.D. students.
Academic Advisory Board
The Academic Advisory Board evaluates the school’s results. It provides guidance to both the scientific director and the steering committee. The board’s members comprise expertise from the Nordic countries, the U.S., and network-based researcher training, as well as women leaders in the field.
Annual Reports