Yao Jiang successfully completed her PhD trial lecture and thesis defense at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology on Monday, the 26th of April 2021, and will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences.
The title of her thesis is “Cryptographic Tools for Cloud Security” and the given topic for her trial lecture was “Fully Homomorphic Encryption and its Applications”.
The following committee has been appointed to evaluate her thesis, trial lecture and defense:
- First external opponent: Professor Ivan Damgård, Aarhus University, Denmark.
- Second external opponent: Professor Liqun Chen, University of Surrey, United Kingdom.
- Internal member and committee administrator: Associate Professor Jiaxin Pan, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU.
Yao Jiang carried out her PhD work at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Trondheim, NTNU.
Her main supervisor was Professor Kristian Gjøsteen, IMF, NTNU and co-supervisor Professor Colin Boyd, IIK, NTNU.