Datatilsynet (The Norwegian Data Protection Authority) shall facilitate protection of individuals from violation of their right to privacy through processing of their personal data.
Datatilsynet offers to host a COINS student for up to two weeks per year. For details, get in touch with the activity management office and apply for COINS funding to get you there.
NorSIS (Norwegian Centre for Information Security) is part of Norway’s focus on information security. The aim is to make information security a natural part of everyone’s daily life. Primary target group are small and medium-sized enterprises as well as public authorities. NorSIS also tries to accommodate requests from the public. Ambition is to provide services for every part of the society. NorSIS will tries to reach its objectives through:
- Raising awareness about information security through training and information,
- Compilation and creation of guidelines and tutorials concerning information security topics ,
- Establishing an overall awareness towards information security.
NorSIS offers to host a COINS student for up to two weeks per year. For details, get in touch with the activity management office and apply for COINS funding to get you there.
ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security) works for the EU institutions and member states. ENISA is the EU’s response to the cyber security issues of the European Union. As such, it is the ‘pace-setter’ for information security in Europe, and a centre of expertise. ENISA is helping the European Commission, the member states and the business community to address, respond and especially to prevent network and information security problems.
ENISA ist not a formal COINS partner; COINS gives its students the possibility to meet with ENISA’s experts before or after COINS summer schools in Greece.
We will continuously announce more opportunities as they arise.