Vivek Agrawal


Vivek Agrawal

Ph.D. started in: 2014
Year of graduation: 2018
COINS consortium member: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Supervised by: Einar Snekkenes
Links: CristinDBLPGoogle Scholardissertation
Research area: Security Management
Project title: Cloud Based Conflicting Incentives risk analysis
Project description: Risk Analysis is an integral part of any business activity. It helps to identify and manage potential problems that could undermine key business initiatives or projects. Risk analysis and management seems to be an obscure activity of any organization as there are very few case studies available on public portal. CIRA is a new and promising method for risk analysis. There is a need to enhance CIRA such that it can be adopted by large number of organizations across the globe. Considering the advantage of efficiency and effectiveness opportunities that cloud deployment offers, an approach to offer CIRA as a secure cloud service is studied in this research work. Cloud delivers highly scalable distributed computing platforms in which computational resources are offered as a services, platform and infrastructure. Since high quality risk analysis can be a difficult, time consuming and costly task, it seems like a very good candidate for explorations into the possibility of harvesting the benefits from a ‘cloudification’ of both risk analysis concepts and support technologies. The objective of this research work is to 1) Investigate the benefits of implementing CIRA services in cloud while fulfilling security and privacy requirements, 2) Assess functionality of CIRA method eligible to migrate into cloud environment 3) Construct prototype to support CIRA method through cloud service 4) Evaluate the prototype. Design, analysis, modeling, and prototype construction will be done using Design Science Research Methodology.


  1. Vivek Agrawal (2018). Information Security Risk Management Practices- Community-Based Knowledge Sharing
  2. Vivek Agrawal, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2018). Secure Benchmarking using Electronic Voting
  3. Vivek Agrawal (2017). A Framework for the Information Classification in ISO 27005 Standard
  4. Vivek Agrawal (2017). A Framework for the Information Classification in ISO 27005 Standard
  5. Vivek Agrawal (2017). Challenges and opportunities in sharing information security knowledge
  6. Vivek Agrawal (2017). Challenges and opportunities in sharing information security knowledge
  7. Vivek Agrawal (2017). Secure migration to the cloud
  8. Vivek Agrawal, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2017). An Investigation of Knowledge Sharing Behaviors of Students on an Online Community of Practice
  9. Vivek Agrawal, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2017). An Investigation of Knowledge Sharing Behaviors of Students on an Online Community of Practice
  10. Vivek Agrawal, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2017). Creating a successful Communities of practice
  11. Vivek Agrawal, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2017). Factors Affecting the Willingness to Share Knowledge in the Communities of Practice
  12. Vivek Agrawal, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2017). Factors Affecting the Willingness to Share Knowledge in the Communities of Practice
  13. Vivek Agrawal, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2017). UnRizkNow: A community of practice for information security risk practitioners
  14. Vivek Agrawal, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2017). UnRizkNow: An open electronic community of practice for information security professionals
  15. Vivek Agrawal, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2017). Utfordringer og muligheter for deling av informasjon innen Cyber Security
  16. Vivek Agrawal, Adam Szekeres (2017). CIRA Perspective on Risks Within UnRizkNow — A Case Study
  17. Vivek Agrawal, Adam Szekeres (2017). CIRA Perspective on Risks Within UnRizkNow — A Case Study
  18. Vivek Agrawal, Pankaj Shivdayal Wasnik, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2017). Factors Influencing the Participation of Information Security Professionals in Electronic Communities of Practice
  19. Vivek Agrawal, Pankaj Wasnik, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2017). Factors Influencing the Participation of Information Security Professionals in Electronic Communities of Practice.
  20. Vivek Agrawal (2016). A Comparative Study on Information Security Risk Analysis Methods
  21. Vivek Agrawal (2016). Towards the Ontology of ISO/IEC 27005:2011 Risk Management Standard
  22. Vivek Agrawal (2016). Towards the Ontology of ISO/IEC 27005:2011 Risk Management Standard
  23. Vivek Agrawal (2015). Security and Privacy Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare
  24. Thomas Kemmerich, Vivek Agrawal, Carsten Momsen (2015). Secure migration to the cloud—In and out
  25. Vivek Agrawal (2014). Security and Privacy Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare
Courses attended:
  1. IMT6004 COINS Workshop (NTNU), 1 ECTS, 2014
Partners visited:
  1. SWITS, Sweden, 2015
  2. ENISA, Athens, Greece, 2015
  3. SWITS, Sweden, 2014
Events attended with COINS funding:
  1. COINS/SWITS Ph.D. student seminar, Oslo, Norway, 2017
  2. COINS Ph.D. student seminar, Bergen, Norway, 2016
  3. SWITS seminar 2015, Västerås, Sweden, 2015
  4. Cloud Security Alliance conference, Oslo, Norway, 2015
  5. COINS Summer School on Cloud Security, Metochi, Greece, 2015
  6. ISC, Trondheim, Norway, 2015
  7. SWITS seminar 2014, Uppsala, Sweden, 2014
  8. COINS Ph.D. student seminar, Tromsø, Norway, 2014
  9. CTF,, online, 2014
  10. CyberCamp, Madrid, Spain, 2014
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