Mayank Raikwar


Mayank Raikwar

Ph.D. started in: 2019
Expected year of graduation: 2022
COINS consortium member: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Supervised by: Danilo Gligoroski, Katina Kralevska, Colin Boyd
Research area: Cryptography
Project title: Innovative Cryptography for Innovative Blockchain Services
Project description: The concept of Blockchain from the invent of cryptocurrency Bitcoin has brought a huge paradigm shift in multiple industries, by integrating distributed ledger, smart contracts and consensus protocol under the same roof. It uses cryptographic concepts to make it tamper-resistant, transparent and secure. Cryptography as a mature scientific discipline has developed many new concepts and primitives. There are many cryptographic concepts such as Multiparty Computation, Post-Quantum cryptography, Encryption schemes have been exposed and used in blockchain and still in exploration for the blockchain purpose. During my PhD, I will analyse already available cryptographic concepts such as Incremental Cryptography, White-box Cryptography, Obfuscation etc. with blockchain and implement these concepts in suitable blockchain platforms e.g. Ethereum, Hyperledger etc.

Events attended with COINS funding:
  1. COINS Finse winter school, Finse, Norway, 2019
  2. EUROCRYPT 2019, Darmstadt, Germany, 2019
  3. Theory and Practice of Blockchains 2019, Aarhus, Denmark, 2019
  4. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Security School, Padua, Italy, 2019
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