Seraj Fayyad successfully completed his PhD trial lecture and thesis defense at the University of Oslo on Friday, the 11th of October 2018 and will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The title of his thesis is “Measurable Security for Systems built upon the Internet of Things” and the given topic for his trial lecture was “Security by design in safety critical systems”.
The following committee has been appointed to evaluate his thesis, trial lecture and defense:
- First external opponent: Senior Researcher Aida Omerovic, Software and Service Innovation Department, Sintef.
- Second external opponent: Professor Lothar Fritsch, Department of Computer Science, Karlstad University, Sweden.
- Internal member and committee administrator: Professor Martin Steffen, Department of informatics, University of Oslo.
Seraj Fayyad carried out his PhD work at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo. His main supervisors were Professor Josef Noll, Department of Technology Systems, University of Oslo and Professor Einar Arthur Snekkenes, Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.