Mohammad Hossein Tabatabaei


Mohammad Hossein Tabatabaei

Ph.D. started in: 2018
Expected year of graduation: 2021
COINS consortium member: University of Oslo
Supervised by: Roman Vitenberg, Hein Meling
Research area: Network Security
Project title: Scalable and secure storage of healthcare blockchain
Project description: In virtue of blockchain, many applications have been developed for helping users to cooperate with each other without needing to interact with a third party or trust anyone. In blockchain based systems, user data is stored without the risk of manipulation or misusing. Healthcare can benefit from data integrity, accessibility and privacy of blockchain for keeping patient data. However, scalability and security of data storage for storing large amount of healthcare data is challenging. My PhD research investigates data structures and distributed storages to design scalable and secure storage in healthcare blockchain-based systems.

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