Adam Szekeres


Adam Szekeres

Ph.D. started in: 2016
Year of graduation: 2020
COINS consortium member: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Supervised by: Einar Snekkenes, Laura Georg
Links: Cristindissertation
Research area: Security Management
Project title: Human motivation and the security of Internet of Things
Project description: The main objective of the PhD project is to identify and integrate relevant theories and research results from the field of psychology into the CIRA framework of risk analysis. The research investigates the suitability of existing theories of human motivation for improving our understanding of human-related information security and privacy risks. The work aims to assess the applicability of the method within the context of IoT enabled critical electric infrastructure.


  1. Adam Szekeres, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2020). Construction of Human Motivational Profiles by Observation for Risk Analysis
  2. Adam Szekeres, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2020). Representing decision-makers in SGAM-H: the Smart Grid Architecture Model Extended with the Human Layer
  3. Adam Szekeres, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2019). A Taxonomy of Situations within the Context of Risk Analysis
  4. Adam Szekeres, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2019). Predicting CEO Misbehavior from Observables: Comparative Evaluation of Two Major Personality Models
  5. Adam Szekeres, Pankaj Shivdayal Wasnik, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2019). Using Demographic Features for the Prediction of Basic Human Values Underlying Stakeholder Motivation
  6. Adam Szekeres, Einar Arthur Snekkenes (2018). Unobtrusive Psychological Profiling for Risk Analysis
  7. Vivek Agrawal, Adam Szekeres (2017). CIRA Perspective on Risks Within UnRizkNow — A Case Study
  8. Vivek Agrawal, Adam Szekeres (2017). CIRA Perspective on Risks Within UnRizkNow — A Case Study
Courses attended:
  1. IMT6002 COINS Winter School (NTNU), 3 ECTS, 2019
  2. IMT6004 COINS Workshop (NTNU), 1 ECTS, 2018
Events attended with COINS funding:
  1. COINS Finse winter school, Finse, Norway, 2019
  2. COINS Ph.D student seminar, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, 2018
  3. NISK 2018, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, 2018
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