This year’s COINS Ph.D. student seminar will be held in Bergen, followed by NISK, the Norwegian Information Security Conference.
Sunday 27/11-2016, UiB Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgate 55 – be there on time, because the building is locked on Sunday
0930-1000 Welcome, introduction, presentation of participants
1000-1045 Lessons learned from doing a Ph.D. [Simona Samardziska]
1045-1130 Opportunities across universities: Cryptography, Models, Network Security, Privacy, Secure Software
1130-1145 Identified opportunities
1145-1200 Coffee break
1200-1220 Elevator pitches (chair: Ijlal Loutfi)
1220-1230 Participants report from Mass Surveillance workshop in Trondheim
1230-1315 Working groups, e.g. a) COINS/SWITS seminar in Oslo June 2017, b) IMT6007 COINS IT Security Exercise in 2017, c) If you had the choice, what would you include in your Ph.D. training (and what keeps you from doing it?)
1315-1330 Presentation of working groups results
1330-1430 Lunch (delivered by Peppe’s)
1430-1515 Life after the Ph.D. – Penetration Testing in Financial Institutions [Oleksandr Kazymyrov]
1515-1600 Presentations by participants
- Dmytro Piatkivskyi: Problems of the Lightning network or is Bitcoin scalable yet?
- Sergii Banin: Applying low-level features for malware dissection and detection
- Manish Shrestha: Measurable security and privacy for services on the Smart Electricity Grid
1600-1630 Coffee break
1630-1730 Panel – ask the professor/professional
1930 Dinner (Egon Kjøttbasaren, Vetrlidsallmenningen 2
Map with restaurant location
Monday 28/11-2016, Høgskolen i Bergen, Campus Kronstad, Inndalsveien 28, room E123
How to get to HiB
How to find room E123
The lecture hall is equipped with a projector and a Windows PC with USB port for presentations in PDF or PowerPoint format. An HDMI A full-size port (or an adaptor to HDMI A) is required if you want to use your own PC for presentation.
0930-1045 Simulated Ph.D. defence [candidate Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw + committee, 40’+10’+10’+15′]
1045-1130 Presentations by participants
- Felix Schuckert: Insecurity Refactoring
- Ashish Rauniyar: Crowdsourcing-based Disaster Management using Fog Computing in Internet of Things Paradigm
- Kamer Vishi: TBD
1130-1145 Election of COINS student representatives
1145-1200 Closing
1200-1300 Lunch (lunch tickets will be provided at seminar)
(1600-1730 COINS Steering Committee meeting, E507)
To register, fill in an application for funding (type of support: “Ph.D. student seminar”).
Please note that you can stay on in Bergen for NISK, too.
The seminar will take place at UiB on Sunday and HiB on Monday. NISK will start at HiB on Tuesday morning. It is up to you where you book your accommodation. NISK has some recommended places on the conference homepage.
COINS students get coverage for travel (least expensive practical alternative t/r Bergen) and accommodation (COINS, NISK). Students without a regular paper, i.e. none or a poster, get coverage for the NISK conference fee; authors of full papers should get funding for the conference fee from their department.
NISK: You need to wear your COINS t-shirt and/or hoodie and upload a picture of you wearing it at the conference. You need to submit a 2 page travel report on your participation that can be shared with other COINS students and can be published on the COINS website after the event. If you present a poster at NISK, you send us a picture of you presenting the poster with a COINS logo instead of a travel report.
COINS supervisors get coverage for travel (least expensive practical alternative t/r Bergen) and accommodation. COINS does not pay for supervisor attendance or participation at NISK, but you are welcome to book your flight so that you can attend NISK with your own funding.
SWITS students and Ph.D. students from COINS partners get coverage for travel (least expensive practical alternative t/r Bergen) and accommodation. COINS does not pay for attendance or participation at NISK, but you are welcome to book your flight so that you can attend NISK with alternative funding.
COINS does pay additionally for accommodation and NISK attendance for students that attend both the COINS seminar and NISK, present a poster, wear a COINS t-shirt throughout the NISK conference, acknowledge COINS funding on their poster and document their contribution by two photos of them taken at the conference and by writing a one page report on their seminar participation that can be published.
All inquiries can be sent to
ECTS credits
Participating COINS Ph.D. can obtain ECTS credits that might be used towards the taught component of their Ph.D. programme.
Students need to enrol in “IMT6004 COINS Workshop” at NTNU to be formally allowed to get ECTS credits according to the requirements in the course description. (If you have taken IMT6004 before, you can enrol in “IMT6005 COINS Workshop II”.
Please indicate in your application for funding or by email to if you are interested in enrolling in IMT6004. Students get a transcript from NTNU documenting their participation and then need to present it to their local COINS member institution. All consortium members agreed that participation in IMT600x would be recognised as being eligible for consideration towards the taught component of the Ph.D. programmes.