Waqas Aman


Waqas Aman

Ph.D. started in: 2012
Year of graduation: 2016
COINS consortium member: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Supervised by: Einar Snekkenes
Links: CristinDBLPGoogle Scholar
Research area: Security Management
Project title: Context Aware Risk Analysis for Adaptive Security in Internet of Things
Project description: To research and develop Risk-based Adaptive Security methods and mechanisms for IoT eHealth.


  1. Waqas Aman (2016). Assessing the Feasibility of Adaptive Security Models for the Internet of Things
  2. Waqas Aman, Einar Snekkenes (2015). EDAS: An evaluation prototype for autonomic event-driven adaptive security in the internet of things
  3. Waqas Aman, Einar Snekkenes (2015). Managing Security Trade-offs in the Internet of Things using Adaptive Security
  4. Waqas Aman, Einar Snekkenes (2014). Event Driven Adaptive Security in Internet of Things
  5. Waqas Aman, Einar Snekkenes (2013). An Empirical Research on InfoSec Risk Management in IoT-based eHealth
  6. Aman Waqas (2013). Modeling Adaptive Security in IoT Driven eHealth
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