Oleksandr Kazymyrov


Oleksandr Kazymyrov

Ph.D. started in: 2011
Year of graduation: 2014
COINS consortium member: University of Bergen
Supervised by: Tor Helleseth, Oleksandr Kholosha, Lilya Budaghyan
Links: CristinDBLPGoogle Scholardissertation
Research area: Cryptography
Project title: Generation Methods of Basic Components for Symmetric Cryptosystems
Project description: Vectorial Boolean functions play very important role in providing high-level security for modern ciphers. They are used in cryptography as nonlinear combining or filtering functions in the pseudo-random generators (stream ciphers) and as substitution boxes (S-boxes) providing confusion in block ciphers. Up to date an important question of generation of vectorial Boolean functions with optimal characteristics to prevent all known types of attacks remains open. There are many criteria that must be taken into account for generating new parameters for modern symmetric encryption algorithms.


  1. Dmytro Kaidalov, Roman Oliynykov, Oleksandr Kazymyrov (2014). A method for security estimation of the SPN-based block cipher against related-key attacks
  2. Oleksandr Kazymyrov (2014). Methods and Tools for Analysis of Symmetric Cryptographic Primitives
  3. Tor Helleseth, Cees J. A. Jansen, Oleksandr Kazymyrov, Alexander Kholosa (2013). State space cryptanalysis of the MICKEY cipher
  4. Oleksandr Kazymyrov, Valentyna Kazymyrova (2013). Algebraic Aspects of the Russian Hash Standard GOST R 34.11-2012
  5. Oleksandr Kazymyrov, Valentyna Kazymyrova (2013). Extended Criterion for Absence of Fixed Points
  6. Oleksandr Kazymyrov, Valentyna Kazymyrova, Roman Oliynykov (2013). A Method For Generation Of High-Nonlinear S-Boxes Based On Gradient Descent
  7. Lilya Budaghyan, Oleksandr Kazymyrov (2012). Verification of Restricted EA-Equivalence for Vectorial Boolean Functions
Events attended with COINS funding:
  1. COINS Ph.D. student seminar, Tromsø, Norway, 2014
  2. FRISC Finse winter school, Finse, Norway, 2014
  3. FRISC Finse winter school, Finse, Norway, 2013
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